Home > Solution & Products > Rescue medicine > PORTABLE X-RAY DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM MIRAN



Main technical parameters:
Anode voltage 50 — 120 kV
mAs range 1 - 20
Focal distance 570 mm
Maximum snapshots while battery 10% (70 kV 2 mAs) 80
Detector working field: variant A / variant B 240x300/360x430 mm
Spatial resolution: variant A / variant B 7/13 pix/mm
Tablet computer IP level IP65
Tablet computer screen (upon request of the customer) 10” or 12” 1920x1200 pix
Tablet compu ter mass 10”/12” 1,15/1,27 kg
X-ray source mass 4,5 kg
MIRAN variant A transport mass and dimension 30 kg 850x720x420 mm
MIRAN variant A transport mass and dimension 14 kg 560x450x160 mm
Leakage dose at 1 meter from focal spot (120 kV) 10 uGy/hour
Images saving format DICOM, TIFF, BMP
Patient data transfer by GSM 4G network
Patient and place photo
Place geoposition (GPS and GLONASS)
Patients database control

MIRAN Portable X-ray Diagnostics System is designed for radiological examination of patients in lying and standing positions and can be used for prompt X-ray diagnostics in nonstationary conditions: in road accidents, combat conditions, during emergency resque operations in accidents and natural disasters, as well as in doctors’ home visits to elderly and immobile patients.

The device is carried in a transport case and assembled at the diagnostic site in 3 minutes. Powered by its own batteries and have charging units for building (AC230V) and car voltage transformer (12-230). The tablet computer as part of the device provides all control functions, including the automated X-ray laboratory and the transmission of research data to a remote via 3G/4G cellular communication channels (DICOM-server or e-mail).